domingo, octubre 22, 2006

Removing the "KICK ME" sign off my back

I’m about to change my life completely; things are getting me to a point where I no longer want to tolerate them, need to run away, need to escape, start all over again, start from scratch somewhere else; nothing’s looking good! I need to beat myself up to learn from this, the hard way sometimes isn’t always the best one…what!?

viernes, octubre 13, 2006

Yo Amo El Futbol

...pero mas te amo a ti!

...cada vez que escucho/veo esa cancion me hace recordarte a ti mi niña, mi flaquita, mi princesa!

Mi Casa y mi perra

Aki ya esta Mi Casa!!!

Ya me puedes ver desde el cielo, jajaja!

...y ya de pasada mi Gordis!

jueves, octubre 12, 2006

Netdisaster my site!

miércoles, octubre 11, 2006

How Much Time Google Saves Us

We might forget how much fun a search engine is, and how much time it saves us in doing everyday things, until the internet connection is interrupted and we’re left without Google. (Or, and this happens more rarely, when Google itself is down.) But usually after some minutes, things are back to normal – and we got our extended memory, our library of more books we could ever read, our information center, and our universal answer machine. And now, for just a moment, I would like you to imagine what today’s life would be without all that. What life would be without Google... and how much more time we’d be spending on solving our problems.

Finding Your Lost Keys

With Google: You enter “How to find lost keys” into Google, and the pages you find suggest to search every place again. Time spent: 10 minutes.

Without Google: You search your rooms. You start to get angry, then desperate. You search for a second time, and find your keys. Time spent: 10 minutes.
Time saved using Google: none.

Opening a Coconut

With Google: You search for “How to open a coconut.” A video tutorial explains you should hold a coconut over a bowl, and use the blunt side of a cleaver to whack the coconut until it cracks open in two halves. Time spent: 5 minutes.

Without Google: You ask your neighbor, and she tells you she doesn’t know either, but invites you to check her cookbooks collection. On that day, you fall in love with her, and she with you. You discover the solution to the coconut problem in her books the next morning. Time spent: 1 day.

Time saved using Google: around 1 day, but love life suffers.

Checking If Tonight’s Date Is Trustworthy

With Google: You enter “Frank Simmonz” into Google. His criminal records turn up, and you stay away from him. Time spent: 5 minutes.

Without Google: You meet Frank Simmonz. He seems to be a nice guy, not poor either, and he’s elegantly dressed. You meet him again at a restaurant a week later. Another week after that, you notice Frank has blood on his shirt but you try to not mention it. Later, while you two watch a mafia movie together, Frank says, “People in that business talk differently, and I should know!” You leave the cinema in a hurry. Time spent: 2 weeks.

Time saved using Google: 1 week, 6 days, 23 hours, and 55 minutes.

Creating a Revolutionary Method of Transportation

With Google: You enter “how to speed up transportation” into Google and stumble upon a tutorial on wheels construction. Time spent: 1 minute.

Without Google: You go out and watch nature. You also analyze people, and animals, trying to figure out how and why they move. You make sketches, you observe, and you remain patient. You dabble with rocks, wood, and water. You teach your children about what you learned during your lifetime, sparking their curiosity. After that, your children take over the task you began and try finding a revolutionary method of transportation. And their children, too. The idea spreads to neighbors, friends and family, and it spans generations. Then, a whole culture becomes infested with the problem, and everyone everywhere is trying to crack their head solving it. Many, many years later, the wheel is invented. Time spent: 12,600 years.

Time saved using Google: Around 12,600 years, give or take a minute.

Peep this


1) Lo ético como principio básico.
2) El orden y la limpieza.
3) La integridad.
4) La puntualidad.
5) La responsabilidad.
6) El deseo de superación.
7) El respeto a las leyes y los reglamentos.
8) El respeto por el derecho de los demás.
9) Su amor al trabajo.
10) Su esfuerzo por la economía y acometimiento.

Tengo que cambiar tantas cosas en mi, pero muchas de las cosas que hago me satisfacen!
Somos humanos y cometemos errores,pero también podemos mejorar...

...TODO es cuestión de actitud!

martes, octubre 10, 2006


mejor pareja en este mundo no pude elegir...
soportas a mis cuates hasta te hacen reir (eso no, no tengo cuates, jajaja)...
compartes mi alegria, mi aficion por el futboool si nuestro ekipo (hehe) anota gritas mas fuerte que yo, somos una pareja de 1era divisioon (novios) en kasa los partidos de futbol son religion te pones la playera y sakas la bandera que siempre adorna nuestra habitacion (todavia no)....te subes a la mesa, te paras de cabeza si nos anulan por error un gooool y aun ke eress mi princesaaa (eso que ni que mi princesa) tu boca suelta una ke otraa maldiciooon (aunque no te guste)....
te kiero mas ke a nada en este mundo por ke entiendes muy bien keee yo amooo el futbooool!!!

sábado, octubre 07, 2006



6 Meses son:

  • 15778462.98 segundos
  • 4382.906388 horas
  • 182.6210994 dias
  • 26.08872846 semanas
Creo que no hemos pasado todo ese tiempo juntos...pero todavia queda mucho tiempo para lograrlo, e inclusive superarlo!

Recuerda que hay mas tiempo que vida...

domingo, octubre 01, 2006

Define:ME by my self

i feel blue...filled with disappointment and pity for my self...i'm so pathetic...need to do something now!